I think that on this blog, as in real-life, I sometimes talk too much. Many of you have expressed interest in seeing more pictures of my trip, so to cover the last few days I'll include some pictures. Suffice to say it was quite pleasant. It was quiet and relaxed, which was a nice change of pace after my first week in bustling Bangkok and then dusty Cambodia. The highlight of this stretch was probably cruising down the Mekong talking politics with the businesswoman from Singapore and the Naval officer from England! The best part of traveling is definitely meeting other people.
A note on fellow travelers: I am wondering - Where are the Americans? In my travels so far I have met a Russian, a Japanese, a Dutchman, some Singaporeans, some Brits, some French, some Aussies, some New Zealanders, some Spanish, and lots of Canadians. But no Americans! I've overheard some people chatting with American accents but haven't interacted with any yet. Though the last few people that I thought were Americans that I talked to ended up being Canadians. The Englishman and I were discussing this and we hypothesized that maybe it is because Americans have so much to see domestically that they don't venture out as much. Regardless, it would be nice to see a few more Americans joining the global community of backpackers.
A note on prices - some of you have commented that you are interested in knowing what kind of prices I am paying for various things as it may be helpful in planning future travels. So for the last few days:
3-day tour through Mekong Delta, including tour guides and sightseeing, transportation from Phnom Penh to Saigon, 2 nights' accommodations (1 night hotel, 1 night homestay), 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch and 1 dinner: $49
Room in Saigon for tonight (fan and TV): $6
My dinner tonight (pho): $1.50 + $0.50 for iced tea
One hour of internet at the internet cafe: $0.35
(edit: found another internet cafe that is cheaper, around $0.25/hr)
Meeting random people from around the world: Priceless
My hair is getting a little out of control so I think will get a haircut while I am here in Saigon. I'm a little apprehensive about this....
Haircuts in foreign countries are fun! If you have a photo of yourself with your normal haircut that could help, otherwise it's another fun (and cheap) experience. Michael paid $1.50 for his in Ecuador with tip (mine was much more- $3).
ReplyDeleteI have my own theory on the lack of traveling Americans. I don't think that our culture values travel (at least for extended periods of time) and instead places a much greater emphasis on career.
let it grow out! i want to see a james-fro when you get back.
ReplyDeleteHmm, maybe I will grow it out. Good idea!